Saturday, January 8, 2011

Harvesting yeast - the wrong way

For a special and unique first brew, I decided I need a special and unique yeast. About a month ago, I harvested some yeast from the bottom of a bottle of Rogue's Chocolate Stout. Perfect!

My ranching techniques were, I admit, not as good as they should have been. Basically, what I did was rinse out my bottle with tap water and pour it into a clean (though not sanitized) plastic Tupperware container. Then, I dumped some confectioner's sugar (for some reason, yeast seems to love the powdered sugar) into the container and shook things up. I left it all at room temp for a week, shaking it whenever I saw it (I put it on the fridge, so I saw it pretty often.) After cracking the lid to expel carbon dioxide, I put the container in my yeast fridge and left it there. Until now.

Note- this is not the proper way to ranch yeast and I am a bad person for having such poor sanitation techniques. On the other hand, it worked, so I can't complain. Haters gonna' hate.

To wake up the yeast, I sanitized a glass jar with bleach and water (See? I can learn. ). I boiled some light dry malt extract in water for a while. After it had cooled and the yeast had reached room temp, I added the DME and the yeast to the sanitized jar. Again, I put it on the fridge and shook frequently.

I was planning on brewing next weekend, but that yeast woke up fast! The next morning, when I went to shake it up, I could hear gas escaping from the jar (guess I didn't screw the top on tight enough) and there was some proto-krausen at the top.

Looks like it's time to brew!

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